The French teachers led this school-wide project that involved almost 400 students in all World Languages.
French sections are intermixed among other WL segments. Enjoy!
National French Week Activities
Every year, we celebrate National French Week. The cafeteria has daily dishes inspired by the francophone world, and this year featured a "Taste Escoffier" station. There are statistics docs in lucite table tents all around the cafeteria that show how important French is in the world. Teachers organize games and conversation activities, and we often bring in guest speakers and show francophone films and music videos in public spaces.
World Language Week Activities
In the spring, the French program is very involved in the WL Department's celebration of World Language Week. From guest speakers to special activities during all lunch periods, to class projects, to live performances,
there is a lot of fun and a LOT of French going on!
Exchange Program with France
This year marked the 10-year anniversary of our exchange program with St. Michel de Picpus in Paris. The students come to our school for 2 weeks in the spring, and then our students travel to France for 2 weeks in June. This year, we also visited Monaco and Nice as part of our travels.
French Hallway, Classrooms, Language Lab, Office
The French program has a strong presence in the WL wing. We have multiple bulletin boards with French statistics, WL prize winner lists, and pictures and large, framed posters of student travel. We have 3 classrooms fully dedicated to French, and another shared with Spanish. There are 3 other WL classrooms, as well as a digital language lab and a departmental office.
We have been doing regular, curriculum-integrated videoconferencing with schools from France, Canada, and Martinique for over 5 years. Our sessions are planned well in advance of the conference time with discussion topics and thematic prep sheets such that students speak one-on-one for an entire class period with partners abroad.
Field Trips
St. Luke's students always attend local AATF-sponsored field trips, like this Brice Kapel concert, where 200
of our kids took up the entire middle section of this auditorium. We also take a yearly trip to NYC to see "Le Fantôme de l'Opéra" after reading the Gaston Leroux novel in French, and last year our French exchange students joined us.
St. Luke's French Teachers & AATF Involvement
St. Luke's French teachers are super involved with AATF! For the CT chapter, Jon Shee serves as Président, Evan Downey is Trésorier, Amber Berry is our Directrice du Grand Concours, and Susan Sarrazin and Adja Dramé are actively involved AATF members, attending numerous events.