The 2022 Valise was expanded and structured into 4 different categories of activities for 2022. The first category was "Compétitions," which features contest activities that required submissions to a Padlet to be chosen for a prize. The second category was "Activités pédagogiques," a selection of in-class activities, much like the 2021 offerings. The third category was called "Correspondances et Conversations." These activities were meant to encourage interaction between students of French, their peers across the state, and local Francophones in their communities. Finally, all participating teachers received a "Journal quotidien" digital newsletter for use in class on each day of the Valise participation period, featuring music videos, headlines, bios of influential Francophones, and more! You may access some of the materials below for inspiration and use in class. We are excited to see what next year's Valise brings!